Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Creating A Variable Within The Creative Content

There are two methods that can be used to add a variable in the creative content

  1. Manually by directly entering the variable name into the content.
  2. Using the Insert Variable option on the toolbar.


Manual Option
  1. In either Design or Source View enter the variable, for example {firstname}.
  2. Click the Process icon .
  3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Set to Variable field to map your variable.
  4. If your variable does not already exist select the New option.
Insert Variable Option
  1. Alternatively click on the Variable icon
  2. Click New.

From this point, the process is the same, the New Variable screen will be displayed, dependent on the method used, some fields may already be completed.

Enter the relevant variable information.

Field Description

The Variable name. This is mandatory.

If the variable name contains special characters that are reserved HTML characters, for example <, these will be displayed differently in the variables section of Campaign Elements.

Description Enter a description for the variable.

Click the drop down arrow and select the type of variable being created.

The following options are available: String, Email, Text, HTML, Date and Numeric. It is not possible to change the variable type once it has been created

Required If this option is selected, the variable will be mandatory when sending a message.

Assigns a default value to a variable. Using Conditional behaviors allows you to apply advanced logic to your variable.

For example if a recipients status is married then a holiday prize on offer will be a 'weekend break for two', and if the marital status was single the holiday prize on offer would be 'a weekend break for you and three friends'.

Use default field when used with list (if present):

Maps the variable read only within Send a Message. Makes visible to the user allows you to make the variable visible or invisible to the recipient.

See Default Values With Variables for more information.

Sample Value

Sample values are used in conjunction with Gallery View to generate previews.

The addition of sample values is not mandatory but may speed the creation of previews in the Gallery View module.

Convert Values via Look-Up Tables Allows you to convert variable values. See Using Look-Up Tables in Variables for more information.

Click Save.

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